
Cool information

"The U.S. breast-feeding rate has hit its highest mark in at least 20 years with more than three-quarters of new moms nursing their infants, according to a government report released Wednesday.

About 77 percent of new mothers breast-feed, at least briefly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said."


Now if we can just extend the amount of time...


Alex Polikowsky said...
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Alex Polikowsky said...

Good catching up with you too.
Sorry for the loss. Somewhere inside me I knew that is what was happening to you ( maybe becaue I have been there?)
As for breastfeeding we have a long way to go just yesterday the lifeguard at the local YMCA came to tell me I had to stop breatfeeding my dd t the pool. He was messing with the wrong person. A Lawyer who is a Lactvist and is also a Certified Lactation COnselor.
The Y managers had their ears full by the time I was done talking.
I will write on my blog later about it.