
Blog Carnival...August RUN.ning edition

So blog about a typical day and hopefully include lots of pictures and commentary on what is the "norm" for YOUR family! Or maybe there isn't a "norm".;)

Flow is such a good word for how our days go, because it's like the tide. Activities and interests come and go, come and go. We don't really have a typical day, but for now, I can sum up. ;-) Perhaps it helps to know that we have seven kids, so that really affects how our days go. Not only compromising for everyone's interests, but also age levels and capability of dealing with busy-ness. With toddlers and a child with processing issues, sometimes we just can't do what everyone wants. Add on top of that MY arthritis, there are days when we are running, doing everything, and then days when I'm lucky to do the dishes.

Places we go regularly:

And various and sundry parks. We have about two dozen that we rotate through (maybe that'll be another blog post)

Our home is set up for enjoyment, actually a wide variety of enjoyment ;-) . Here are some rooms from the basement:

Crafty stuff organized on top, legos and blocks in the bins

More toys, more crafts

Toddler play area, toy kitchen and doll house

TV room, well, the other side of it. I'm standing by the TV. You're seeing board games and books, puzzles. Just to the right is my sewing machine. I love to quilt and sew, tho I have very little time for it. In the craft area I have my cross stitch and knitting stored as well, which I touch rarely. LOL!

Our day starts of with breakfast, and usually laying around. No one really watches TV in our house right now, although in the winter we do more movie parties, and play lots of board games. Just the season I guess. Right now there is a lot happening on computers, like:

and club penguin

But Sam is all over pokemon, and spends a great deal of every day building better decks and planning strategies, figuring relative scoring.

Most of our kids are indoor people, but we have some outdoor guys as well. During the summer we have to limit our outside time to early am and evenings because it is SO hot in Oklahoma, today was 102ยบ. So the backyard is like this right now

We even have a garden (you can't see the huge ditch between the play area and the garden.

At the end of the day, people go to sleep when they are tired. The younger kids, usually 9 or 9:30. The older kids stay up until 10 or 11pm. whew. 


unschoolingsupermom said...

Wow,looking at your basement with everything organized in bins and on shelves makes me feel like we need to do something like that too. Our kids are indoors quite abit now as well. Lots of anime and WOW.

Sylvia said...

yeah, Oklahoma is too hot for outdoors most of the summer. We lived just outside Ada until I was 12, and man are summer days hot! I remember one when I was 7, with my foot in a cast (so no swimming for me!) and the radio announcer said it was 114! Equally humid, too.

I always enjoy reading your blog.

Faith Void said...

I love to see other peoples houses. And your backyard looks like an amazing place to play.