
Josh discovers line rider

So, he's designing them. I KNEW he would love this, but i didn't want to push him, so I showed him, what? a year ago? and let it go.

Today he's trying to create one for each of us. He won't let us see them though. :-)

It reminds me so much of myself as a kid, I never wanted people to know what I was doing. Mostly because my dad knew 'everything' and had no problems with taking over and doing it perfectly. I never wanted to be perceived as less than perfect, because less the perfect was not acceptable. (eeek...I'm really not complaining) Josh really is so much like me, it's amazing. Spacey, smart geek....I just hope that I'm doing better for him.


Heather said...

You're both da bomb!!

Alex Polikowsky said...

What is line rider????

Melissa said...

You could go to linerider.com, but Alex, for you I send you my favorite book mark


Alex Polikowsky said...

Very Cool!!!!!Thanks!MD will love it.