
Scary things...

In a fit of disgust at the kitchen, I lost my unschooly temper and lectured for all of five minutes about disgusting mildewy washclothes and rotting juice in the fridge water dispenser. As my kids stare at me...thinking, nay KNOWING I've lost my mind...I grasp for ways to explain why my hormonal butt was freaking out over a few random items and VOILA!

It hit me like a ton of red slime...we had PETRI dishes in the basement. And even better, we had refill bottles of AGAR. How many homeschoolers keep that in stock? Think Henriette pussycat as we say "Meow Meow Meow!"

So, we took samples, just the three, any more and I might have gotten sick from the ideas....the first picture is 48 hours later (the suggested waiting time) However, we tend to procrastinate and the second picture is 96 hours. Unfortunate since they were out on the counter when our friends came in for potluck dinner. I'd bleached the cabinets by then, JIC!

I know the mold....but the red slime scares me a bit. The kids, not so much. Eh...what's a little slime between friends?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a brilliant idea of yours!