
I should be sleeping....

No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap. ~Carrie Snow

Had a long day...not necessarily a bad one, just lots of emotional ups and downs. We invited a friend over to play, and turns out she has the flu, so the girls and I were both really disappointed. They had even cleaned their room, and set up the play room with lots of fun crafty stuff. Anyway, some good came out of it, it hasn't been so clean in a while ;-)

Good news was that we had invited another friend over to play as well, and we got him AND his big brother. So we had a great day, hanging out with an extra three year old and his big bro. And dangit. I forgot AGAIN to give him his birthday present. He's been three for a month now. sigh. I know he'll like it because he loved Avari's version so much that he played an extra half hour in the tub this evening lol!

Evening was really cool, lots of playing, even roughly was fun for me. Played Guitar Hero III with three guys I really like (even if Seth powned me...cut me a break man!) Avari's sweet voice calling "Come on Aden, let's play together!"Emily and Rachel gathered in a corner, heads together giggling. Sam and Dan playing power transformers, and agreeing that 'candy transformers' were allowed, but only if their names were not 'formal names'. Breanna giggly and happy, running from room to room, watching everyone be happy (she likes happy) And Zane, wandering from room to room, stepping in where he could, standing back when he wanted to, just being a good unschooling dad. He also rearranged some computers around the house so that the boys have a higher processor in their room.

Nothing is sweeter than ending your day by rocking two toddlers, sweet-smelling, fresh from the bath. I was privileged with the chance to read a few stories, and snuggle with their warm bodies under a really cool car blanket. I get to sleep in peace tonight, much like my baby Avari, who is a baby, no longer.

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