
Yummy warm goodness

HomeMADE yummy goodness, I should say!

We needed a really BIG one too

and of course we always need wheat free alternatives. We made this one with the prepackaged bread mix, following the directions for frepes. Next time we'll thicken it up a bit and I'm sure it will look more like a traditional funnel cake. However, it was still delish!
At the festival/fair, there was a funnel cake booth. Now, part of this is fiscal, but a great part of NEVER buying funnel cakes is medical in origin. There is a ton of corn starch in the powdered sugar, and we can't be sure of the source of leavening, could have corn as well. And it goes without saying the funnel cakes have wheat. LOTS of wheat. So we came home and made our own. Oh Em Gee.

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