

Just a note to self.

Over the last four months (since January 1st), I've starting the 'taking care of me' program.
I've walked two miles a day, five days a week (with the exception of a month, in which I was in the process of preventing/and then recovering from a miscarriage) for a total of 20 miles walking. I've run approximately 1/4th of that distance..five miles! It doesn't sound like much, but for someone with arthritis and who is forty pounds overweight, I'm impressed.

I've lost fifteen pounds and two pant sizes. I've finally convinced myself it's okay to buy new clothes.

I've learned to use that time to think to myself. I've taken random kids (young ones that fit in the stroller) but mostly it's my me-time. 

I started yoga, which was much more difficult than I planned on. Not only strength-wise, but also coordination, which I've always lacked. So I'm working on that. Last night I did my first sit-up since high school. Sounds silly, and dh laughed at me (with his 100 sit ups a night) but I was excited. Those muscles haven't worked since stretched out of shape by Josh's pregnancy.


Blessed Wife and Mom said...

You Rock Melissa!! Congratulations!! This is exactly what I 'need' to be doing. You are inspiration to many (not just because of this either)

Dawn said...

Congratulations! What an inspirational post!