
I'm such a child myself...

is it bad to stomp your feet and scream if a kid (unknown as of now, probably Ava) messes up the screen on your brand new laptop? I was so furious, ready to kill really, so I'm upstairs trying to burn off some steam before I go downstairs and try to love them to sleep. 

The big sleep if I don't control my temper.

Speaking of feelings, just read "The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things" on the advice of my teen friend Savannah. Broke my heart and healed it up nicely. Makes me want to dye my hair purple, and get a tongue ring, just to stick out at my mom. Reminds me of my teenage years...all the angst and pain and how my parents were. Wonder where I got my anger management issues? 


Phoebe said...

I remember the last time I was that angry. Literally seeing red! Scary.

Is it still under warranty?

hahamommy said...

breathe. DEEP. again...
repeat after me: my kid will always be more important than things, my kid will always be more important than things, my kid will always be more important than things, even if I have to really remind myself, it's true, my kid is more important than things.

And it still sucks :( Luckily, you'll still have your kid when it doesn't suck anymore :D

Melissa said...

Thanks Fee,

And Diana, your reminder is especially poignant. Yes, my kids are more important than things...and I'm already passed it. It's just appearances. I'm just so tired of everything being crapped out in our house lol!

But i distinctly remember my mother screaming "I can having nothing nice!!!!" and it hurts my heart a little that my children would think that stuff is more important than they are. Most of the time I can tell myself "In ten years you will really be able to have things more your way, and you'll miss them so much it won't matter"