Felt slightly evil driving by our homeschool with "Brick in the Wall" blaring, but it was ultimately healing for the kids.
Started off with some bubbles...
But our most popular activity was the basket of 100 hair color bottles and mirror...
Do your own style...and Dan has style!
Baby Emmitt had some help (from mom, honest!) and he loved it!
Deal was, party is NOT for just kids, we're equal opportunity party animals! Hey, we didn't have to go back to school either. Heather made these cool templates for shapes.
Of course there was water....splashpad was a prerequisite for this party.
Sam and Andrew duke it out...
There was a treasure hunt, complete with laminated maps (we have a certain mom who is, needless to say, putting us to shame) that she designed the day before the party. Thanks Suzanne, the whole deal was great!!!
Yarn dolls (and octupi!) by Rachel, Izzy, and Emily
While Sam (not mine, obviously, mines a boy!) makes a fairy bracelet!
Sack race, Dan's first ever. He was small enough to run normally which was so funny!
Lily bounces ever onward...she's SO cute!

The ol' egg in the spoon race! My favorite part? When Lyric dropped her egg, shrugged, and took off RUNNING, totally beating the pants off of everyone else. LOL!
The ol' egg in the spoon race! My favorite part? When Lyric dropped her egg, shrugged, and took off RUNNING, totally beating the pants off of everyone else. LOL!
The grownups came in last, what's up with that? This was followed by an egg toss.
Of course, we only had two dozen eggs left over. We'll leave it to your imaginations!
My favorite tradition (hey, two years counts as tradition!) is the cookie decorating!
Take fifty people, one hundred cookies and a pound of dyed circus colors icing, and you've got fun in the making! Sam even took candy from the treasure hunt to decorate hers!
Told you they were circusy colors! He proves it!
Gratuitous splashpad scenes "Help, I'm drowning" dance, by Rachel
Bucket o' doom
And I'm not identifying this kid, for his own protection, although I'm sure his mom had no problems with him alleviating his thirst this way. ;-)
Gotta climb all the local trees, again with my favorite musical (ok one of the many)
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