
Day in the life, just for dh

Thursday has been awesome, mostly because we didn't go anywhere. I decided a library fine was worth not going anywhere. lol.

The kids played with legos all morning. Seriously. Not even the little ones but the duplos. Avari got a set at the Lego store, with a zookeeper and a tiger. She lurves it!

I title this one, 'Get off your high horse'
Rachel's intricate zoo/train system. It goes under the table.
(teehee, iphone in the fore, with my new mic/earphones)
Hard day, Nathan's schedule is all off, so is mine.

Josh mowed the front yard this morning.

I bleached my hair while Nat was napping

Mac-n-cheese for lunch

My mom's butterscotch/peanut butter crispy treats, and some corn-free rice chex treats for Bre

LOTS of TV. Teehee

Three gallons of lemonade. For realz. It's hot

Emily made a map game that has the boys running all over the house. I don't understand much of it, although they keep explaining it to me. Something about lava in their bedroom, and pirates.

it's 5pm now, and we're still debating dinner. I'm thinking pizza.

See you tomorrow, God willing. We really have to hit the library, and I'm going to make cake for Saturday, some pea salad, maybe more crispy treats. Dang those are good.


Sylvia said...

Those krispy treats sound yummy! I just put butterscotch chips and rice krispies on my shopping list....

Melissa said...

My mom actually melts chocolate chips and covers the top with chocolate, but I tried to stay within the bounds of moderately high calories, rather than off the charts.
