
National Blog Post, Josefina edition

Today was busy cleaning up the last of our crafts for the girls History Girls club tomorrow. Emily stained and 'carved' (used brown marker) a box to look like Josefina's memory box. It's filled with representatives of Josefina's treasures. She made me smile when she said "And when we do the next girl, I can use it for my OWN memories!" I'm proud of them, that's for sure.
Rachel made a model of what she imagined Josefina's house to look. I took a few pictures, but i'll have to post them another time (you may have noticed I have no pictures...well, that infamous camera cable is missing again. Imagination rocks)

I am so grateful for the opportunities that we have as homeschoolers in our area. There are a ton of places, classes and clubs we can be part of, and it's wonderful to see their interests soar as they see new things. I'm grateful for the excitement in our lives as my imaginative and energetic kids work through their ideas and notions. I don't have to wait for 'someday' for them to change the world, they do it a little bit every day!

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